Wednesday 2 April 2008

For our first few days in London, Jenny and I stayed on her father's houseboat in Richmond. Not a bad situation, marina livin'.

We slept in this tiny room in the bow of the boat. You had to pass through her dad's bedroom and through a wee hobbit's door to get into it, which made it somewhat akward, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Now we're housesitting her dad's best friend's apartment in Richmond for two weeks. It's a welcome relief from all the couch surfing. Too bad it's only for two weeks. Boo.

The job hunt is going fast and furious. I've applied for a wide variety of things, from full time advertising writer to part time UNIQLO slave. It's a little bit of a frustrating time, but we were expecting that.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Chuck.....I am desperatly tryin to send you an e-mail but Jake keeps giving me the wrong address....HELP!!!!!! XAmanda